Monday, July 7, 2008

What's my opinion worth?

JD Power

As many other smart owners have, today I received a fairly comprehensive survey from JD Power. Along with their politely worded request for my opinion was one lovely, crisp dollar bill.

The survey was pretty extensive, walking through your impressions of the engine, driving, comfort, interior and exterior look and feel, and my car-buying history. But I had the $1 payment already, so I figured I owed them a well-thought-out and detailed response. I noted the previous problem with the shifting mechanism, and I noted that my gas mileage has been exceeding EPA expectations.

I'll be interested in seeing how this impacts car buyers in the future. Especially since smart celebrated its 10-year anniversary this week and noted an electric model due out in 2010. That's reason to celebrate! As if I needed another, I now have an extra dollar in my wallet!

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